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    At birth, the infant has only the most elementary emotional life. Newborns show an expression of disgust, for example, in response to strong tastes, and show surprise in reaction to sudden changes. They also show interest, which developmental psychologists consider an emotion in its own right. 
    By ten months, infants display the full range of what are considered the basic emotions: joy, anger, sadness, disgust, surprise, and fear. The emergence of the basic emotions during the first year or two of life seems to be 
programmed by a biological clock for brain development.  As the appropriate brain maturation occurs, the various emotions appear in an infant’s repertory. For example, studies of brain activity in ten-month-olds show that the right frontal regions are more active during positive emotions, and the left during negative emotions. 

【題組】Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
(A) Positive and Negative Emotions in Infants
(B) Stimulating the Development of Infant Emotions
(C) Brain Maturation and Emotional Growth in Infants
(D) Measuring Infant Intelligence and Brain Development

難度: 簡單
黑色五葉草魚 研一上 (2018/03/01)
Which of the followi☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆☆ ...

糖衣 高二下 (2019/07/24)
出生時,嬰兒只有最基本的情感生活。 例如,新生兒表現出厭惡的表現,以回應強烈的口味,並對突然變化表示驚訝。 他們也表現出興趣,發展心理學家認為這種情緒本身就是一種情感。
     十個月後,嬰兒會展示出被認為是基本情緒的全方位:快樂,憤怒,悲傷,厭惡,驚訝和恐懼。 生命的第一年或第二年的基本情緒的出現似乎是
由生物鐘編程用於大腦發育。 隨著適當的大腦成熟發生,各種情緒出現在嬰兒的劇目中。 例如,對10個月大的大腦活動的研究表明,正面情緒期間右側額葉區域更活躍,負面情緒期間左側區域更活躍。

    At birth, the infant has o..-阿摩線上測驗