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 A suspended coffee is a cup of coffee paid for in advance as an anonymous act of charity. The idea 
was born in Italy, (26) someone who had experienced good luck would order a coffee by paying 
the price of two. The suspended drink (27) was reserved for someone who could not afford to pay 
for their own. Coffee shops in other countries have adopted the (28) to increase sales. 
          In April 2013, the UK arm of coffee chain Starbucks signed up for a charity initiative (29) the 
suspended coffee concept—to match the value of each suspended coffee with a cash donation for 
charity work. Other shops are (30) the idea to cover cookies and other food. 

(A) once
(B) even
(C) when
(D) where

難度: 適中
道瑤 高一上 (2015/10/13)
Dorothy 高二上 (2019/03/19)


出生於意大利,(26)經歷過好運的人會通過付款訂購咖啡n兩個的價格。懸浮飲料(27)專供無力支付的人使用n為了自己。其他國家的咖啡店採用(28)增加銷售額。n          2013年4月,英國咖啡連鎖店星巴克(Starbucks)的一家公司簽署了一項慈善計劃(29)n懸浮咖啡概念 - 與每個懸浮咖啡的價值相匹配,現金捐贈n慈善活動。其他商店(30)的想法是覆蓋餅乾和其他食物

琬甯 國二上 (2019/07/17)
The suspended drink (27) was reserved for someone who could not afford to pay 
for their own.

EllenCold 高三下 (2020/11/10)

A suspended coffee is a cup of coffee paid for in advance as an anonymous act of charity. The idea was born in Italy, where someone who had experienced good luck would order a coffee by paying the price of two. The suspended drink ordered was reserved for someone who could not afford to pay for their own. Coffee shops in other countries have adopted the practice to increase sales. 

待用咖啡suspended coffee是作為匿名anonymous 慈善行為預先in advance支付的一杯咖啡。 這個想法誕生於意大利,在那裡,一個經歷過好運的人會以兩杯的價格來點一杯咖啡。 被訂購的待用飲料僅保留reserve給那些無力負擔自己費用的...


 A suspended coffee is a cup of cof..-阿摩線上測驗