

(B) Vacations were once the prerogative of the 16 few, even as late as the 19th century. Now they are considered the right of all, except for such unfortunate 17 as, for example, the bulk of Bangladesh’s population, for whom life, 18 sleep and brief periods of rest, is uninterrupted toil. Vacations are more necessary now than before because today the average life is less well-rounded and has become increasingly compartmentalized. I suppose the idea of vacations, as we conceive it, must be 19 to primitive peoples. Rest of some kind has of course always been a part of the 20 of human life, but earlier ages did not find it necessary to organize it in the way that modern man has done. Holidays and feast days were 21 . With modern man’s increasing tensions, with the 22 quality of so much of his work, this break in the year’s routine became steadily more necessary. Vacations became 23 for the purpose of renewal and repair. And so it 24 that in the Unite States, the most self-indulgent of nations, the tensest and most compartmentalized, vacations have come to take a 25 place in domestic conversation.

(A) gluttonous
(B) untouchable
(C) disadvantaged
(D) privileged

難度: 簡單
Che 高一下 (2015/12/16)
Gluttonous 暴食貪吃的
Che 高一下 (2015/12/16)

(B) Vacations were once the prerogative ..-阿摩線上測驗