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Ⅳ. Discourse(每題 1 分)
 Many diseases that doctors thought had almost disappeared are now making a comeback. (26) An NHS spokesperson said that tuberculosis is now more common in England than it is in less developed countries such as Rwanda, Iraq, and Guatemala. (27) In 2013, it killed 1.5 million people worldwide, and that number is rising. Tuberculosis largely affects very poor people. It is an infectious disease that affects the lungs. (28) Researchers say that many of the diseases that are making a comeback are both preventable and treatable. (29) The number of elderly who have to go without  food has doubled in the past three years. (30) A UK doctor said she did not understand why society wasn't doing more to fight TB and that there needed to be a bigger focus on better nutrition and proper medicine. 

(A) Its symptoms include bad coughs, fever, weight loss and sweating. 

(B) Britain's National Health Service has reported a serious rise in the number of people with diseases such as tuberculosis, cholera, measles and whooping cough. 

(C) This is putting these old people in greater danger of getting TB. 

(D) Tuberculosis can be cured by offering patients with antibiotics . 

(E) One big problem in England is that tuberculosis is affecting old people who have malnutrition – they do not have enough to eat. 
(AB) Tuberculosis is also increasing across the globe.


難度: 非常簡單

倒數 1天 ,已有 1 則答案
謝謝 高三上 (2023/08/20):

An NHS spokesperson said that tuberculosis is now more common in England than it is in less developed countries such as Rwanda, Iraq, and Guatemala.

  • 一名英國國民保健服務(NHS)的發言人表示,在英國,肺結核比一些不太發達的國家(如盧旺達、伊拉克和危地馬拉)更為常見。

 In 2013, it killed 1.5 million people worldwide, and that number is rising. Tuberculosis largely affects very poor people. It is an infectious disease that affects the lungs.

  • 在2013年,肺結核在全球造成了150萬人死亡,並且這個數字仍在上升。肺結核主要影響非常貧困的人。這是一種影響肺部的傳染病。

Researchers say that many of the diseases that are making a comeback are both preventable and treatable.

  • 研究人員表示,許多正在復甦的疾病是可以預防和治療的。

The number of elderly who have to go without food has doubled in the past three years.

  • 過去三年內,無法獲得足夠食物的老年人數量翻了一倍。

A UK doctor said she did not understand why society wasn't doing more to fight TB and that there needed to be a bigger focus on better nutrition and proper medicine.

  • 一位英國醫生表示,她不明白為什麼社會沒有更多努力來對抗肺結核,並且需要更大範圍地關注更好的營養和適當的藥物治療。


(A) Its symptoms include bad coughs, fever, weight loss, and sweating.

  • 它的症狀包括劇烈咳嗽、發燒、體重減輕和出汗。

(B) Britain's National Health Service has reported a serious rise in the number of people with diseases such as tuberculosis, cholera, measles, and whooping cough.

  • 英國的國民健康服務機構報告稱,患有肺結核、霍亂、麻疹和百日咳等疾病的人數嚴重增加。

(C) This is putting these old people in greater danger of getting TB.

  • 這使得這些老年人更容易罹患肺結核。

(D) Tuberculosis can be cured by offering patients with antibiotics.

  • 肺結核可以通過給患者使用抗生素來治愈。

(E) One big problem in England is that tuberculosis is affecting old people who have malnutrition – they do not have enough to eat.

  • 英國的一個大問題是肺結核影響了營養不良的老年人,他們吃得不夠。

(AB) Tuberculosis is also increasing across the globe.

  • 肺結核在全球範圍內也在增加。

Ⅳ. Discourse(每題 1 分) Many diseases that ..-阿摩線上測驗