【阿摩網站-置頂欄顏色票選問卷】只要填寫就能獲得500Y,結束時間 2024/04/25 11:59:59。 前往查看


【題組】 Transport authorities will enforce a new traffic law requiring back-seat passengers to wear seat belts starting Aug. 1, officials said yesterday. There will be a six-month grace period in which violators will receive a warning instead of a fine, but beginning Feb. 1 next year, they will be fined ranging from NT$1,500 to NT$6,000, the officials from the transport ministry said. The law, passed earlier this year, requires all passengers in the back seat of most kinds of vehicle to wear seat belts. The new law is applicable to private cars, taxis, rentals and small cargo vans. Ambulances and child-transport vehicles — such as those used by kindergartens — are exempted. The law also forbids children under 12 sitting in the front seat. Kids under 4 years old or under 18 kilograms must be seated on safety seats, and children from 4 to 12 must all wear seat belts. Drivers will be fined if passengers fail to buckle up. On ordinary roads and streets, the fine is NT$1,500, and on highways and expressways, the fines range from NT$3,000 to NT$6,000Taxi passengers must also wear seat belts. If passengers refuse to do so after being reminded by the drivers, it will be the passengers who receive the fine, the officials said.
【題組】46.五、閱讀測驗 What is the article mainly about?
(A) Buckling up seat belts.
(B) Increasing seat belt use.
(C) Back-seat passengers’ problems.
(D) The new seat-belt law.

難度: 非常簡單
“勞謙君子,有終吉” 研一下 (2019/08/09)

官員昨天表示,運輸當局將執行一項新的交通法,要求後座乘客從8月1日開始繫安全帶。 交通部官員表示,將有6個月的寬限期,違規者將收到警告而非罰款,但從明年2月1日開始,他們將被處以1,500新台幣至6,000新台幣的罰款。 今年早些時候通過的這項法律要求大多數車輛後座的所有乘客都要係好安全帶。 新法律適用於私家車,出租車,租賃和小型貨車。

救護車和兒童運輸車輛 - 例如幼兒園使用的車輛 - 可獲豁免。 法律還禁止12歲以下的兒童坐在前排座位上。  4歲以下或18公斤以下的兒童必須坐在安全座椅上,4至12歲的兒童必須全部係繫好安全帶。 如果乘客不能扣上車,司機將被罰款。 在普通的道路和街道上,罰款為1,500新台幣,在高速公路和高速公路上,罰款範圍從NT $ 3,000到NT $ 6,000Taxi乘客也必須係繫好安全帶。 官員說,如果乘客在被司機提醒後拒絕這樣做,那將是接受罰款的乘客。

【題組】 Transport authorities will enforce..-阿摩線上測驗