
Research shows that people with good friends have better physical and emotional health than those who have only a weak network of friends or no real friends at all. There are three general types of support friends to be __41__. First and probably most important, friends give us emotional support: they show us __42__ someone cares; someone really likes us and wants to be with us. But friends also provide guidance. When we have important __43__ to make, friends can be a sounding-board for our ideas, and they can present other sides to a problem. Friends also provide __44__, tangible support: they loan us their car when ours breaks down, they cook and meal for us when we’re sick, or they pick up our mail when we’re on vacation. Psychologists believe that friends __45__ as a coping mechanism. By providing us with companionship and support, friends serve as a buffer against the stress in our lives.
【題組】 44.
(A) actual
(B) moral
(C) formal
(D) artificial

難度: 簡單
業精於勤,事立於豫 研一下 (2018/02/13)
Friends also provide __44__ ...

Liz 大一上 (2017/10/28)
Friends also provide __44__, tangible support: they loan us their car when ours breaks down, they cook and meal for us when we’re sick, or they pick up our mail when we’re on vacation.
Pinnnnnng 研二上 (2020/04/03)

a. 形容詞
  •  有形的,明確的,確鑿的
  •  實際的,真實的,有實體的
  •  可觸摸的,可觸知的,非想像的

Research shows that people with good fri..-阿摩線上測驗