【阿摩網站-置頂欄顏色票選問卷】只要填寫就能獲得500Y,結束時間 2024/04/25 11:59:59。 前往查看


The technology for creating virtual advertisements has been around since 1995. Originally this type of advertising was used in sporting events. Virtual advertisements were placed where real advertisements would be distracting to players. For example, at a baseball game, the wall behind the batter and the umpire is called the backstop. Using computer technology, pictures of products and slogans can be drawn onto this wall and then broadcast during the game. Viewers of the game at home will see huge red and white advertisements for Coca-Cola plastered all across the backstop. But the pitcher in the stadium only sees the blank wall of the backstop. Advertisements can also be drawn by computers in the grass-covered center field at a soccer game or on the side of a virtual blimp drawn on the sky over the stadium.
【題組】13 What does the underlined word “blimp” in passage mean?
(A) Airship
(B) Ceiling
(C) Star 
(D) Wall

難度: 困難
Ingrid Sakaki 高一上 (2014/09/03)
blimp (n.) 軟式小型飛船
ceiling (n.) 天花板 
許武忠 賣點鑽石回饋阿摩 高二下 (2019/05/05)

Advertisements can also be drawn by computers on the side of a virtual blimp drawn on the sky over the stadium.



所以選項裡 只有 空浮飛船  airship

The technology for creating virtual adve..-阿摩線上測驗