
二、閱讀測驗(共 15 題,每題 2 分,共 30 分) Smog is a killer. Smog is fog mixed with toxic fumes such as car exhaust or factory smoke. These cannot escape into the upper atmosphere but are trapped by the moisture in the air. Breathing in this polluted air can cause bronchitis and other respiratory illnesses. It can even cause death, as in London in 1952 when 4000 people died in a week. Elderly people are particularly at risk from smog. Cities watch their smog levels more carefully now. Not only are there greater controls over factory emissions, but people are warned of dangerous pollution levels by the media so they can choose to remain indoors.
【題組】17. What prevents toxic fumes from rising into the upper atmosphere?
(A) Smoke from factories.
(B) Polluted air from vehicles.
(C) Pollution levels in a city.
(D) Moisture in the air.

二、閱讀測驗(共 15 題,每題 2 分,共 30 分) Smog is ..-阿摩線上測驗