
Your starting salary will be HK$14,200 per month. 21 office hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. You may be required to do 22 work in addition to these hours, and this will be paid 23 the normal hourly rate for the first hour after normal working hours and 125% of the hourly rate thereafter. You will be entitled to two weeks’ annual holiday with pay, and after ten years’ 24 , this will be increased to three weeks’ annual holiday. This appointment can be terminated by one month’s notice in writing by either 25 .
(A) overtime
(B) brain
(C) delicious
(D) healthy

難度: 非常簡單
魚往上游 大三上 (2017/01/04)
相信成功,堅持到底。 大一下 (2023/08/24)

You may be required to do  overtime  work in addition to these hours, and this will be paid  at  the normal hourly rate for the first hour after normal working hours and 125% of the hourly rate thereafter.
除這些時間外,您可能還需要加班,正常工作時間後的第一個小時將按正常小時工資支付加班費,此後則按小時工資的 125% 支付加班費。

required [rɪˋkwaɪrd] 必須的;需要
addition [əˋdɪʃən] 加法;另外;除…之外
paid [ped] 有薪金的;已付的;付清的
hourly [ˋaʊrlɪ] 每小時的
rate  [ret] 比例,費用,價格
thereafter [ðɛrˋæftɚ] 其後,從那時以後

(A) overtime (B) brain   [bren]
(C) delicio...

Your starting salary will be HK$14,200 ..-阿摩線上測驗