
Advocates of gender-neutral language argue that language is rich in alternatives that speakers and writers, sensitive to attitudes and beliefs of audiences, can use without __23__ on the effectiveness of their communication. They are also able to be true to their notions of grammatical propriety. In some cases, gender-neutral language may be achieved through the use of gender-inclusive, gender-neutral or __24__ words ("human being," "person," "individual," and so on) instead of gender-specific ones ("man," "woman," "he," "she," "businessman," "mother," etc.), when speaking of people whose gender is unknown, ambiguous, or unimportant. If no gender-inclusive terms exist, new ones may be __25__ (e.g., "businessperson"). There may also be __26__ usage of existing gender-specific terms—for example, "men and women" rather than "men and ladies," or "husband and wife" instead of "man and wife." Further, proponents of gender-neutral language argue that making language less biased is not only __27__, but achievable. Many people find non-neutral language to be offensive.
(A) migrant
(B) epicene
(C) promiscuous
(D) tautological

難度: 困難
Viva Lin 高三上 (2013/06/13)
(A) migrant 移居的
 (B) epicene 屬於兩性的
 (C) promiscuous 雜亂的
 (D)  tautological 重複的, 贅述的

Advocates of gender-neutral language arg..-阿摩線上測驗