
     Are you always tired? Well, there is a solution 31 the problem. It is the RestMate pillow. In the office or on the road, the RestMate pillow can 32 you a chance to snooze anywhere, anytime. It serves people from different 33 :students who need a nap in a classroom, people who 34 a lot in libraries, people who travel a lot, and doctors who sleep in hospitals. Many people need it. It is no doubt that this is a 35 suitable for people at a global level. With this pillow, anyone who is using it can disconnect from their surroundings and sleep even in public.
(A) sectors
(B) families
(C) countries
(D) planets

難度: 簡單
范琝瀚 國一下 (2017/04/25)
It serves people fro☆ ...


     Are you always tired..-阿摩線上測驗