
四、克漏字測驗(請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案) The Country Inn has just reopened under new management. The new owners did a 31 job redecorating the inn. The dining room looks bigger, brighter, and prettier than the 32 one. The food is just as good as before, 33 , unfortunately, the menu is less varied and more expensive. Good choices are homemade spaghetti with fresh tomatoes and olives and roast beef. Be sure to leave room for the 34 . The homemade chocolate cake is as good as you can get, and the chocolate soufflé is as 35 as air. Try lunchtime for a quiet and relaxed meal.
(A) cigarettes
(B) desserts
(C) guests
(D) parking

難度: 簡單
erin 高二上 (2015/12/29)
leave room 留有餘地,留有.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
詹姆士 大二上 (2017/09/11)


業精於勤,事立於豫 研一下 (2018/04/02)

Good choices are homemade spaghetti with fresh tomatoes and olives and roast beef.


Be sure to leave room for the __34__ . 



(A) cigarettes 香菸。

(B) desserts 甜點。

(C) guests 客人。

(D) parking 停車。

由後句的 homemade chocolate cake (手工巧克力蛋糕) 及 chocolate soufflé (巧克力舒芙蕾) 可知空格為(B) desserts (甜點)

四、克漏字測驗(請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案) The Country..-阿摩線上測驗