
Few would deny that what we see in the media affects the way we think and act. Advertisers know this _38_ anyone else, paying millions of dollars every year to sell their products. For _39_ time television advertising in the United States, companies pay up to two million dollars for a single forty-second advertisement. In that short time, a company expects to influence enough buyers both to _40_ the cost of the ad itself, and to make a profit from the ad. 
In the competition for audience attention, advertisers will do almost anything they can think of to sell their products. A common _41_ in commercial advertising is to tie the advertised product to sex or glamour, even when these features do not _42_ relate to the product. How many times have we seen a pretty woman selling a car? Other ads may make exaggerated claims about the effectiveness of their products. 

(A)spend 
(B)deliver 
(C)take 

難度: 適中
許淑慧 高二下 (2013/05/21)
In that short time, a company expects to influence enough buyers both to _cover_ the cost of the ad.....看完整詳解
Ben Hu 大一下 (2013/05/20)
Ben Hu 大一下 (2013/05/21)

Few would deny that what we see in the m..-阿摩線上測驗