
Many people feel jealous from time to time. Jealousy is easy to deal with, once you understand what it’s teaching you. Here are some pointers on working through your feelings of jealousy. First of all, you should understand your emotions. Jealousy is a combination of fear and anger; a fear of losing something, and anger that someone is “moving in on” something that you feel belongs only to you. When you start feeling jealous, ask yourself: is it more fear based, or more anger based? If you feel a dropping or clutching sensation in your stomach, it’s probably fear. If you feel a burning, tight sensation in your shoulders and jaw, then you’re likely feeling anger. You might also feel a combination of those sensations. Secondly, understand that jealousy can alert you to what you want, and what is important to you. If you’re jealous of someone talking to a friend of yours, personal relationships may be important to you. If you’re jealous about money, you may have an underlying need for security. When you begin to understand what makes you jealous, you can begin to take positive steps to maintain those things, without the cloud of negative emotion that accompanies jealousy.
【題組】42Which of the following is true about jealousy?
(A) Fear is the primary reason for jealousy.
(B) Jealousy can cause stomachache.
(C) It is not possible to figure out why we are jealous.
(D) People are jealous about the things they dislike.

難度: 簡單
知道自己無知(謙虛),自狂 研一上 (2018/05/09)

figure out 演算出; 計算出;【美】【口】想出, 理解, 明白

15324 高二上 (2020/10/25)


大四上 (2022/11/17)

move in on sth/sb (為進攻或取得控制權而)移近,向…逼近

Government troops are moving in on the rebel stronghold.

Many people feel jealous from time to ti..-阿摩線上測驗