
第三篇: A good communication involves a lot more than simply having a large vocabulary and good pronunciation. It also includes having the ability to interpret people’s 41 and facial expressions. Something else that facilitates good communication is the awareness of personal space, which is that invisible boundary people create around themselves 42 feel comfortable and secure. Though personal space boundaries vary from culture to culture and person to person, everyone has one or a few. Psychologists generally 43 four different boundaries or zones. The largest is the public zone. It’s the distance between the speaker and the audience. The next is the smaller social zone. It’s a polite and safe distance, too far for any body contact. The even smaller is the friend zone, 44 , however, does allow for touch, for things like high five and hugs. 45 , the intimate zone is the closest space reserved for those you love and trust the most. Being aware of personal space helps us avoid making people feel uncomfortable, which will help improve our communication.
(A) Finally
(B) Likewise
(C) Besides
(D) Therefore

難度: 簡單
Skia 高一上 (2017/12/06)

業精於勤,事立於豫 研一下 (2018/03/31)

__45__ , the intimate zone is the closest space reserved for those you love and trust the most.


Being aware of personal space helps us avoid making people feel uncomfortable, which will help improve our communication.



(A) Finally (adv.)最後。

(B) Likewise (adv.)同樣。

(C) Besides (adv.)此外。

(D) Therefore (adv.)因此。



intimate 語氣強烈,指感情或思想融洽、相互知心,彼此關係親密。

close 語氣較強,指興趣愛好相同,因而關...


第三篇: A good communication involves a lo..-阿摩線上測驗