【阿摩網站-置頂欄顏色票選問卷】只要填寫就能獲得500Y,結束時間 2024/04/25 11:59:59。 前往查看


Colors have a direct and powerful impact on the way we feel and react to our surroundings. Some colors excite us, while others soothe and calm us. For example, when the Blackfriar Bridge in London was painted green, suicide jumps from the bridge decreased by 34%. Research reveals that people have similar emotional responses to specific colors and in general, the brighter the color, the stronger the response. Blue, for example, creates a tranquil, quiet feeling in many people. Blue makes it easier for people to resolve conflicts and accept themselves. Blue also seems to act as an appetite suppressant. People snack less out of a refrigerator when the refrigerator light is blue. And they eat less when they use blue dishes. Green has a soothing effect. People who work in green rooms have fewer stomachaches and feel less pain generally. Orange improves mental clarity and promotes happiness. Orange increases the flow of oxygen to the brain. In a red room, people are more likely to feel angry and tense. Red has also been found to stimulate the autonomic nervous system. Yellow produces rather different emotional responses depending on its brightness. People in a bright yellow room feel tired. Babies cry more in bright yellow rooms and husbands and wives fight more. Pale yellow, on the other hand, creates a feeling of harmony.
【題組】48 What does “an appetite suppressant” mean?
(A) Something that makes you eat frequently.
(B) Something that tastes delicious.
(C) Something that makes you lose the desire to eat.
(D) Something that helps your digestion.

難度: 非常簡單
小米 國三下 (2014/02/25)
an appetite suppressant  食欲抑制劑
thuimi 國三上 (2015/05/14)
desire (vt.)願望,期望,希望;要求,請求願望,心願;請求,要求
笑逐 高二下 (2023/08/18)

Sure, here are some TOEIC-level and above vocabulary words from the given passage:

1. Impact (noun) - 中文意義:影響
2. Excite (verb) - 中文意義:激發、使興奮
3. Soothe (verb) - 中文意義:安撫、使平靜
4. Tranquil (adjective) - 中文意義:寧靜的
5. Conflict (noun) - 中文意義:衝突、爭執
6. Suppressant (noun) - 中文意義:抑制劑、壓制劑
7. Soothing (adjective) - 中文意義:舒緩的、安撫的
8. Autonomic (adjective) - 中文意義:自律的
9. Stimulate (verb) - 中文意義:刺激、激發
10. Harmony (noun) - 中文意義:和諧、協調

Here's an example sentence for one of the more advanced words:
"The presentation on global warmin...


Colors have a direct and powerful impact..-阿摩線上測驗