
(三) Meriwether Lewis and William Clark in their explorations of North America in the early nineteenth century came across enough unfamiliar birds, mammals, and reptiles. In keeping with President Jefferson’s orders, they took careful note of 122 species and subspecies that were unknown to science and in many cases native only to the West. Clark made sketches of any particularly intriguing creature. He and Lewis also collected animal horns and bird skins with such care that a few of them were still intact nearly two centuries later. While Lewis and Clark failed to meet the mythological monsters reputed to dwell in the West, they did unearth the bones of a 45-foot-dinosaur. In their collector’s enthusiasm, they even floated a prairie dog out of its burrow by pouring in five barrelfuls of water, then shipped the frisky animal to Jefferson alive and yelping.
【題組】48. It can be inferred from the passage that President Jefferson ordered Lewis and Clark to __________.
(A) bring back animals for a zoo.
(B) try to be naturalists.
(C) compile sketches for a book.
(D) record newly discovered species or animals.

難度: 簡單

(三) Meriwether Lewis and William Clark ..-阿摩線上測驗