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Sam, who was born in Canada, moved to Taipei with his family last year. Now he is studying Chinese in a language school. The teachers and students there are very friendly to him. In the school, Sam not only studies Chinese but gets to learn about Chinese culture. He is also learning to eat with chopsticks and write with brushes. For Sam, Taipei is a city full of excitement. There are food stalls everywhere and they offer him a variety of meal choices. Besides, Sam also finds the Shih-lin Night Market very convenient for it sells everything that Sam wants to buy. Sam loves to wander around from one vendor to another vendor. He is overwhelmed by the variety of products he finds at the night market. On weekends, Sam usually goes to the movies and goes jogging in the park. And he also loves to go to Beitou to enjoy the hot spring in winter. In summer, Sam likes to go surfing in Fu Long. Sam really loves his life in Taipei.
【題組】49 According to the passage, what is Sam’s impression of Taipei?
(A)Taipei is an ugly city.
(B)There are many bad people in Taipei.
(C)People in Taipei know how to use chopsticks.
(D)Taipei is an exciting city.

難度: 非常簡單
未來戰警 高一下 (2015/05/23)
山姆的對台北的印象是什麼? (A)台北是一個醜陋的城市。 (B)台北有許多壞.....看完整詳解
Anin 大二上 (2017/10/08)
For Sam, Taipei is a city full of excitement.

Sam, who was born in Canada, moved to Ta..-阿摩線上測驗