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請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 Eugene O’Kelly was the chief executive officer (CEO) of KPMG—one of the largest accounting firms in the world. On May 24, 2005, Eugene visited his doctor with a full calendar and a lifetime of plans on his mind. Before this meeting, he was in the prime of his life. However, during the meeting, his doctor told him that he was diagnosed as having brain cancer. All of a sudden, his lifetime of plans dwindled to 100 days, leaving him just enough time to say goodbye. All the plans he had made as CEO were shattered. However, instead of falling into despair and confining himself in denial, Eugene decided to take a more constructive approach to face his “fate,” not spending an ounce of energy lamenting the time that he had lost. Eugene made the most of every moment to discover the world around him—nature, connection with loved ones, and living in the moment—as if he had never seen it before. He searched for ways to live a more vivid and meaningful life and to savor or enjoy what was within his reach without aspiring for the impossible. He even completed an inspirational memoir (Chasing Daylight) in three-and-a-half months, reminding people to embrace the fragile, fleeting moments of our lives. Throughout the memoir, Eugene attempts to send a message to the readers: The past is your guide. The present is a gift, so live it to the fullest. The future is for dreamers. Dream. Dream all you can—without reservation.
【題組】50 Which of the following words best describes Eugene O’Kelly’s attitude towards the remaining days of his life?
(A) Fearful
(B) Enthusiastic
(C) Depressed
(D) Indifferent

難度: 簡單
偉大茄子神 大二下 (2017/04/06)

骨頭(一般警特行政上榜) 大四下 (2019/10/07)

executive (a.)執行的,行政的行政人員,行政部門;總經理,董事

accounting firm中文會計師事物所  firm翻譯:堅硬的, 結實的;堅固的, 牢固的, 牢固的;穩固的, 堅決的;堅定的, 有力的, 強而有力的;緊緊的,牢牢的, 確定的, 確定的;堅定不移的, 強而

prime翻譯:首要的,主要的;基本的, 品質最好的,一流的, 全盛時期;盛年

shattered翻譯:破碎的, 破碎的,打碎的, 極難過的, 疲勞的, 極度疲勞的。

despair翻譯:絕望, 絕望;失去希望。

confining中文限制的; 拘束的; 狹窄的; 偏狹的
denial翻譯:不對, 否認,否定, (某人)否認(做過某事), 拒絕, 拒絕;剝奪, 不接受, 


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 Eugene O’Kelly was..-阿摩線上測驗