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Maoritanga means “Maori culture,” and embraces the language, customs, and traditions that make up the rich heritage of the indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand. At the time of the 1991 census, there were 434,847 people who identified themselves as New Zealand Maori, making up 12.9% of the population. Maori people today have adopted many aspects of western life, while sustaining their own unique culture, which colors and enriches many facets of the New Zealand way of life. Maori oral traditions and history explain the place of the Maori people in the world and in Aotearoa. The Maori creation story tells of Ranginui, the sky father, and Papatuanuku, the earth mother, who were the parents of all the gods. Their son Tane, creator of the bush and all its living creatures, also created the first woman from the earth, and from them all people are descended. There are many legends about Maui. Stories of his cleverness, magic and trickery explain elements of natural history such as the discovery of fire. Children are taught how Maui outwitted his brothers to join them on a fishing trip, catching the mighty fish that became the North Island of New Zealand. Genealogy or whakapapa traces the descent of a Maori individual from the gods, to their ancestors from Hawaiki who sailed canoes across TeMoana-nui a Kiwa (the Pacific Ocean) and then down to their present tribal groupings in Aotearoa. Tribal lands and kinship links are still key factors that bind Maori society. In addition to Maori living in their tribal areas, there are also Maori who have migrated to the cities. These urban Maori have established multi-tribal meeting places or marae which enable them to continue their maoritanga, and to ensure the protocols and traditions continue to be passed from generation to generation. Behavior on the marae follows strict protocols (kawa) and observance ensures proper respect at a tangi (funeral) or hui (conference). Marae protocol may be learned also by Pakeha (European) people who visit marae in the course of their employment, or to further their understanding of Maori culture. Perhaps the best known internationally of all Maori traditions is the haka, a dance often performed to daunt the enemy and to prepare warriors for battle. Today, it starts every All Blacks international rugby match, and is frequently televised world-wide. The Treaty of Waitangi was an instrument designed to bring law and order to the trading settlements and to protect Maori rights in dealings with the British settlers. It reflected the attitudes prevailing in Britain at that time. When Maori people began to restrict land sales, however, the government came under pressure from the increasing number of British settlers. Relations between Maori and British settlers deteriorated and war broke out in the early 1860s. Around the turn of the century, several Maori leaders used their knowledge of the law and their positions in Parliament to satisfy some Maori needs within a Pakeha legal framework. Rural Maori communities were revitalized, but Maori still had little influence on the mainstream of New Zealand life.
【題組】50. According to the author, what is the mission of the Treaty of Waitangi?
(A)To preserve Maori languages and traditions in the common framework of Commonwealth.
(B)To reconcile the disagreements between British settlers and the natives.
(C)To justify New Zealand’s national identity and its de facto independence.
(D)To specify guidelines and rules on poll income taxation in New Zealand.

難度: 簡單

倒數 3天 ,已有 1 則答案
陳安 小五上 (2020/11/28):


毛利坦加語的意思是“毛利人文化”,並包含構成新西蘭奧特羅阿土著人民豐富遺產的語言,習俗和傳統。在1991年的人口普查時,有434,847人自稱為新西蘭毛利人,佔人口的12.9%。今天的毛利人在保持自己獨特的文化的同時,採納了西方生活的許多方面,這些獨特的文化使新西蘭的生活方式變得豐富多彩。毛利人的口頭傳統和歷史解釋了毛利人在世界和奧特羅阿地區的地位。毛利人的創作故事講述了天空之父Ranginui和地球母親Papatuanuku,他們是眾神的父母。他們的兒子塔恩(Tane)是灌木叢及其所有生物的創造者,也從地球上創造了第一位女性,所有人都是他們的後代。關於毛伊島有很多傳說。他的機靈,魔術和詭計的故事解釋了自然歷史的要素,例如火的發現。教孩子們毛伊島如何打敗他的兄弟們加入他們的釣魚之旅,抓住強大的魚類成為新西蘭的北島。家譜或華卡帕帕(Whakapapa)追溯了一個毛利人從諸神那裡來的血統,追溯到他們的祖先來自哈瓦基(Hawaiki),他們曾乘獨木舟穿越蒂瓦納努伊(Kiwa)的蒂莫阿納努伊(TeMoana-nui),然後下降到他們目前在奧特羅阿(Aotearoa)的部落群體。部落土地和血緣關係仍然是約束毛利人社會的關鍵因素。除了居住在其部落地區的毛利人外,還有一些毛利人已經遷移到城市。這些城市的毛利人建立了多部落的聚會場所或馬雷區,使他們能夠繼續毛利當加活動,並確保協議和傳統繼續世代相傳。在馬拉河上的行為遵循嚴格的規程(川規),遵守行為可確保在血管(葬禮)或回合(會議)上得到適當尊重。歐洲人(Pakeha)在工作過程中參觀馬拉(Marae)或進一步了解毛利文化的人也可以學習馬拉(Marae)協議。在毛利人的所有傳統中,國際上最著名的也許就是哈卡舞,這是一種經常表演的舞蹈,其目的是使敵人畏縮並為戰士做好戰鬥準備。今天,它開始了所有“黑人”國際橄欖球比賽,並在全球範圍內經常播放。 《懷唐伊條約》是旨在將法律和秩序帶入貿易定居點並保護毛利人與英國定居者打交道時的權利的文書。它反映了當時英國盛行的態度。但是,當毛利人開始限制土地出售時,政府受到了越來越多的英國定居者的壓力。毛利人與英國定居者之間的關係惡化,戰爭在1860年代初爆發。在本世紀初,幾位毛利族領導人利用他們的法律知識和在議會中的職位來滿足帕克哈法律框架內的一些毛利人需求。農村毛利人社區得到了振興,但毛利人對新西蘭主流生活的影響仍然很小。




Maoritanga means “Maori culture,” and e..-阿摩線上測驗