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In psychology and physiology journals, articles routinely confirm the value of omega-3 fatty acids. One published study demonstrated that fish oil reduced __61___ in cats experiencing stroke. A study by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh showed that adults with low levels of omega-3s in their bodies ___62__ far more depressed, pessimistic, and impulsive than __63___ with normal or high levels. This evidence improves the prospects for treating depressed patients __64___. Many therapists now say they are determined to coordinate psychological therapy with dietary therapy in order to __65___ drugs. As research continues to show, new ways of thinking about fat can open the doors to better physical, mental, and emotional health.
(A) effective
(B) effectively
(C) effortlessly
(D) with no effect

難度: 非常簡單
sfishwu 大二下 (2022/08/23)


In psychology and physiology journals, a..-阿摩線上測驗