
Let’s picture a huge public gathering – like the hajj to Mecca. Think of the World Cup, the Olympics, or a rock concert. When thousands or even millions of people get together, what will be the biggest health concern? Traditionally, doctors and public health officials were most concerned about the spread of infectious diseases. Robert Steffen, a professor of travel medicine at the University of Zurich, says that infectious diseases are still a concern, but injuries are a bigger threat at so-called mass gatherings. According to Professor Steffen, children and older people have the highest risk of injury or other health problems at mass gathering events. Children are at more risk of getting crushed in stampedes, while older people are at higher risk of heat stroke and dying from extreme heat. Stampedes at mass gatherings have caused an estimated seven thousand deaths over the past thirty years. The design of an area for mass gathering can play a part. There may be narrow passages or other choke points that too many people try to use at once. The mood of a crowd can also play a part. Organizers of large gatherings need to avoid creating conditions that might lead to stampedes and heat stroke. So what advice does Professor Steffen have for people attending a large gathering? First, get needed vaccinations before traveling. Then, stay away from any large mass of people as much as possible. Also, be careful with alcohol and drugs, which can increase the risk of injuries.
【題組】72 Which of the following is closest in meaning to stampede in the passage?
(A)A plane crash
(B)A steamy factory
(C)A sudden rush of a crowd
(D)Heat stroke due to mass gathering events

難度: 適中
amy75830 國一下 (2015/06/16)
1.Let的圖片巨大的公眾集會 - 像朝覲麥加。想在世界杯,奧運會,或搖滾音樂會。當十萬甚至上百萬的人聚在一起,會是什麼最大的健康問題?傳統上,醫生和公共衛生官員們最關心的傳染性疾病的傳播。羅伯特·斯特芬,旅行醫學在蘇黎世大學的教授說,傳染病仍然是一個問題,但傷病是在所謂的群眾集會更大的威脅。據斯蒂芬教授,兒童和老年人擁有的大規模聚集事件受傷或其他健康問題的風險最高。孩子們在得到粉碎踩踏的更多的風險,而年長的人在中暑的高風險和極端高溫死亡。在人潮群眾集會已經在過去的三十年造成大約7000人死亡。一個地區的大規模集會的設計可以發揮作用。有可能是狹窄的通道或其他咽喉要道,太多的人試圖一次使用。人群的情緒也能發揮作用。大型集會組織者需要避免創造條件可能導致踩踏和中暑了。那麼什麼建議也斯特芬教授對參加人的大聚會?首先,獲得所需要接種疫苗出行前。然後,遠離任何大質量盡可能的人。同時,應注意與酒精和毒品,這樣可以增加受傷的風險。 【題組】72以下哪個是最接近的意義通道狂奔? (A)飛機墜毀 (B)熱氣騰騰的工廠 (三)人群倏然 (四)中暑是由於人群聚集事件
柯文容 國三下 (2017/02/23)
stampede 踩踏

Let’s picture a huge public gathering – ..-阿摩線上測驗