
III. Reading Comprehension Roger Currie quit smoking ten years ago. Then his weight ballooned and his blood pressure soared. Along with the weight gain, Currie, a 55-year-old radio announcer, developed a snoring problem, his wife informed him. Worse, he routinely stopped breathing. Tests at a sleep clinic yielded quick diagnosis: sleep apnea. In obstructive sleep apnea, tissue in the throat relaxes during sleep, collapsing—and closing off—the airway. Excess weight can narrow the passage, but you don’t have to be overweight; some people have slight abnormalities that cause the disorder. Most apneacs aren’t aware that they’re reaching consciousness continually during the night, as often as every 30 seconds. The frequent, arousals, necessary to restart breathing, prevent apneacs from getting enough restorative deep sleep. Perhaps as a result, apnea is associated with hypertension, stroke and heart disease. Sleep apnea strikes millions of people, including about 25 per cent of people over 65. For five years, Currie slept wearing a special mask that propelled air into his nasal passages. But after dieting and exercise trimmed 45 kilos from his frame, Currie felt good enough to try going to bed unmasked. He got up the next morning and felt sufficiently rested to try it again. He’s been mask-free ever since. Even better, his longtime hypertension has disappeared.
【題組】73. How did Roger Currie finally get rid of his mask?
(A) He reduced his weight.
(B) He had sufficient rest.
(C) He controlled his blood pressure.
(D) He had his nasal passages operated.

III. Reading Comprehension Roger Currie..-阿摩線上測驗