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To this point, we have been concerned primarily with the factive aspect of language and cognition. However, much of what has been said applies as well to the emotive aspect of language use. Nonetheless there are contrasts in the coding of the two types of information. While factive information is coded primarily in distinctly verbal sequences, emotive information is coded primarily in gestures, tone of voice, facial expression, and the like. Whereas verbal sequences consist of a finite set of distinctive sounds (or features of sounds), syllables, words, idioms, and collocations, and generally of discrete and countable sequences of elements, the emotive coding devices are typically non-discrete and are more or less continuously variable.
【題組】94. Which is NOT the characteristic of emotive information?
(A)Facial expression
(B)Tone of voice
(C) Gestures
(D) Words

難度: 非常簡單
售試教和口試模板 IG:i 研一上 (2021/05/27)

While factive information is coded primarily in distinctly verbal sequences, emotive information is coded primarily in gestures, tone of voice, facial expression, and the like.

To this point, we have been concerned pr..-阿摩線上測驗