
Every year earthquakes are responsible for a large number of deaths and a vast amount of destruction in various parts of the world. Most of these damaging earthquakes occur either in a narrow belt which surrounds the Pacific Ocean or in a line which extends from Burma to the Alps in Europe. Some of the destruction is directly caused by the quake itself. An example of this is the collapse of buildings as a result of vibration. Other damage results from landslides, tsunamis, or major fires which are initiated by the quake.

There are about a million quakes a year. Fortunately, however, not all of them are destructive. The intensity of an earthquake is measured on the Richter Scale, which goes from 0 upward. The highest magnitude recorded to date is 8.9.

Major damage generally occurs from quakes ranging upwards from 6.0. Exceptions to this are those whose epicenters are located far from inhabited areas. The actual cause of the quake itself is the rupturing or breaking of rocks at or below the earth’s surface. This is produced by pressure which scientists believe may be due to a number of reasons, two of which are the expansion and contraction of the earth’s crust and continental drift.

【題組】According to the passage, which of the following could be the main cause of earthquakes?
(A) Continental Drift
(B) Vibrations
(C) Tsunamis
(D) Landslides

難度: 簡單
我愛阿摩,阿摩愛我 (2013/01/05)

Vibration    KK[vaɪˋbreʃən]

    1. 顫動; 振動; 震動[C][U]

      Your finger can feel the vibration on the violin string. 你的手指能感覺小提琴琴弦的顫動。

    2. sixty vibrations per second 每秒振動六十次

    3. 擺動; 搖擺[C][U]

    4. 感受, 共鳴; 心靈感應[P1]

      I am drawn to that girl; I get good vibrations from her. 我被那女孩吸引住了, 她使我產生良好的感覺。

Joana Lin 國二下 (2013/01/09)
Continental 歐洲大陸

相信自己一定可以(地特四等 國三下 (2016/09/10)
The actual cause of the quake itself is the rupturing or breaking of rocks at or below the earth’s surface. This is produced by pressure which scientists believe may be due to a number of reasons, two of which are the expansion and contraction of the earth’s crust and continental drift.

Every year earthquakes are responsible f..-阿摩線上測驗