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四、克漏字測驗 A.請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案 ,選出最適當的答案: Most people recognize basketball as their favorite sport, but few know of its origin. 31 , the game’s popularity is more than 100 years old. Its history 32 to the 1890s, when a young YMCA teacher in Springfield, Massachusetts, wanted to work out a game for his bored students to play indoors in freezing cold weather. For the first game, he 33 the idea of fixing a peach basket to the wall of the gymnasium. The ball 34 was a soccer ball. With the boys 35 into two teams, they made up a game in which each team tried to toss the ball into the basket.
(A) In fact
(B) No doubt
(C) To our surprise
(D) To tell the truth

難度: 非常簡單
小刺客 湯瑪斯 大三上 (2017/03/20)
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四、克漏字測驗 A.請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案 ,選出最適當的答案:..-阿摩線上測驗