【詳解卡新福利】寫作批改懸賞券,將於 2024/09/30 23:59:59 過期,還沒使用或領取,趕快前往領取並使用吧! 前往查看


第三部分:言談理解 (第12 - 21題) 
第12 題
(A) It is not turned on.
(B) There is no water inside.
(C) The man forgot to put coffee beans in.

難度: 簡單

倒數 17時 ,已有 1 則答案
Ni Ying 小二上 (2024/09/25):
M: Why isn't tyhe coffee machine working?
W: It's not. It  was OK when I used it yesterday.
M: I pushed the button several times but it just doesn't give me any coffee.
W: Did you check to see if there's still water inside?
M: Yes.
W: Did you put coffee beans in?
M: I did.
W: Let me see. Well, next time before ask for help, make sure you already the machine on.
Q: Why is the coffee machine not working?
M: 為甚麼咖啡機不運轉?
W: 不,我昨天使用還是好的
M: 我按了好幾次按鈕,但咖啡就是不出來
W: 你有檢查裡面有沒有水嗎?
M: 有
W: 你有放咖啡豆嗎?
M: 有
W: 我看看。嗯...你下次尋求幫助之前,先確認已經啟動機器
Q: 為甚麼咖啡機無法運轉?
(A) 它沒有被啟動
(B) 裡面沒有水
(C) 那名男子忘了放咖啡豆

第三部分:言談理解 (第12 - 21題)  第12 題 (A) It..-阿摩線上測驗