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第 11 至 14 題為題組
   Todd Bol, a retired businessman, could never have expected that a wooden container he built on his deck one day in 2009 would have the global impact it does today.
   Bol built a dollhouse-size structure that looked like a schoolhouse on a post, and he put it on his lawn as a free community library to commemorate his mother, who was a book lover and school teacher. Bol’s prototype gave birth to Little Free Library (LFL), a nonprofit organization that seeks to place small, accessible book exchange boxes in neighborhoods around the world. The concept is simple: Neighbors are invited to share a book, leave a book, or both. Today, there are over 50,000 of these libraries registered in 70 countries.
   Almost everyone can register with LFL and start a library as long as the person keeps it in good shape and makes sure that book materials are appropriate for his/her neighborhood. Library owners can create their own library boxes; therefore, the libraries are usually unique in appearance, and there seems to be no limit to the possibilities. One library in California was built out of a used wine crate; another in Texas had tiny stairs and bright colored walls. Once registered, libraries are assigned a number at LFL’s website. The LFL Index lists the locations of all libraries with GPS coordinates and other information. Owners receive a sign that reads “Little Free Library.”
   People say they have been more inclined to pick up a book when walking by a Little  Free Library, out of curiosity and because it’s convenient. Some sidewalk librarians say they have met more neighbors since having a little library in their front yard. Bol is also most proud of the way Little Free Library is bringing communities together. “It’s started a neighborhood exchange. It gets people talking and more comfortable with their neighbors,” he says. “This leads to them helping each other.”

【題組】13. Which of the following is true about the operation of a Little Free Library?
(A) The library can come in any shape and color.
(B) There is no limit to the selection of its materials.
(C) The owner must first be assigned a number from the LFL website.
(D) The librarian is in charge of checking the books in and out of the library.

難度: 適中
113年考上初考,繼續努力 博一下 (2019/04/28)

112年已上岸,挑戰極限 博二下 (2021/06/27)

 Library owners can create their own library boxes; therefore, the libraries are usually unique in appearance, and there seems to be no limit to the possibilities. 

圖書館所有者可以創建自己的圖書館盒子; 因此,圖書館在外觀上通常都是獨一無二的,似乎可以是無任何限制可能性。

第 11 至 14 題為題組   Todd Bol, a retired bus..-阿摩線上測驗