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第45 至 48 題為題組 
Capoeira is a martial art that combines elements of fight, acrobatics, drumming, singing, dance, and rituals. It involves a variety of techniques that make use of the hands, feet, legs, arms, and head. Although Capoeira appears dancelike, many of its basic techniques are similar to those in other martial arts. Capoeira was created nearly 500 years ago in Brazil by African slaves. It is believed that the martial art was connected with tribal fighting in Africa, in which people fought body to body, without weapons, in order to acquire a bride or desired woman. In the sixteenth century, when the Africans were taken from their homes to Brazil against their will and kept in slavery, Capoeira began to take form among the community of slaves for self-defense. But it soon became a strong weapon in the life-or-death struggle against their oppressors. When the slave owners realized the power of Capoeira, they began to punish those who practiced it. Capoeiristas learned to camouflage the forbidden fights with singing, clapping, and dancing as though it were simply entertainment. 
At first, Capoeira was considered illegal in Brazil. However, a man known as Mestre Bimba devoted a great deal of time and effort to convincing the Brazilian authorities that Capoeira has great cultural value and should become an official fighting style. He succeeded in his endeavor and transformed the martial art into Brazil’s national sport. He and Mestre Pastinha were the first to open schools, and the Capoeira tree grew, spreading its branches across the world. Nowadays, it is performed in movies and music clips. Capoeira is also believed to have influenced several dancing styles like breaking and hip-hop.

【題組】48. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true about Capoeira?
(A) It was greatly influenced by modern dancing styles.
(B) It was initially created as a type of dance and ritual.
(C) It was mainly performed to protect a bride or desired woman.
(D) It was officially recognized in Brazil through the effort of Mestre Bimba.

難度: 簡單
自律自強 研二下 (2018/04/18)
Capoeira is a martial art that combines elements of fight, acrobatics, drumming, singing, dance, and rituals. It involves a variety of techniques that make use of the hands, feet, legs, arms, and head. Although Capoeira appears dancelike, many of its basic techniques are similar to those in other martial arts.Capoeira 是一種結合戰鬥、雜技、擊鼓、唱歌、舞蹈、儀式元素的武術。它包含各式各樣運用手、腳、腿、手臂、頭的技巧。雖然 Capoeira 看起來像是舞蹈,但是它的基礎技巧還是如同其他武術的。Capoeira was created nearly 500 years ago in Brazil by African slaves. It is believed that the martial art was co...

第45 至 48 題為題組 Capoeira is a martial art ..-阿摩線上測驗