
說明:第 41 題至 50 題共分為四種題型,其作答方式,請詳讀各題型前之說明。 題型一:(第 41、42 題) 下面兩篇段落各少一個主題句,請依各段文意選出一個最恰當的選項。
【題組】41. Which of the following is the most appropriate topic sentence for the paragraph below?
(A) A nickname is a name used informally instead of one’s given name.
(B) Almost everyone has a nickname and a given name.
(C) A nickname to a person is like the image to a company.
(D) A nickname is more important than a given name to a person. _______________ It is often simply a shortened version of a person’s given name, for example, “Joe” for Josephine or “Bill” for William. Sometimes, a nickname is given because of someone’s appearance or other characteristics. A very thin person may be called “Stick” and a very fat one, “Roly-poly.” It is common to use nicknames among family members and close friends.

難度: 困難

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說明:第 41 題至 50 題共分為四種題型,其作答方式,請詳讀各題型前之說明。..-阿摩線上測驗