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閱讀測驗 41-43 Michael Segell’s 2005 work on the history of the saxophone, titled The Devil’s Horn cites a public statement from the Vatican saying that the saxophone was “scandalous,” a strange description indeed for a lifeless piece of metal! It is fitting then that the saxophone has come to be associated with the rock and roll and jazz worlds. These musical styles were born in controversy and they have always attracted rebels and nonconformists – much like the saxophone. At the time of its invention, the saxophone was actively suppressed by competition from other musical instrument makers. They attacked Adolph Sax, the inventor of the saxophone, constantly; stealing his equipment, burning down his factory and even making attempts on his life. Perhaps their most successful tactic was to have the orchestral musicians union threaten a strike if the saxophone was accepted into regular orchestral ensembles. As a result of these tactics, the saxophone failed to find a firm foothold in the classical world. Although there have, of course, been notable individual exceptions, such as the saxophone solo in Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition. Nonetheless, despite the opposition of the traditional musical world and of the church, the saxophone continues to re-invent itself as an instrument for the modern age. Perhaps this is because Sax dreamed of making the most flexible of instruments. He wanted to combine the “power of the brass” instruments with the “flexibility of the strings” and the “tonal variety of the woodwinds”, and he succeeded, perhaps even more so than he knew. Although the saxophone is still an outsider in the classical world, it has come to be the most widespread and popular of the winds. It appears in virtually every country and musical style all around the world. Turkish, Asian and Arabian musicians have all made the instrument their own. Amusingly, the most powerful symbol of Sax’s eventual success comes from the classical world. When the trumpet part of Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto number 2 proved to be too difficult, the legendary saxophonist Marcel Mule stepped in and recorded it.
【題組】41. What is the main idea of the passage?
(A) The saxophone doesn’t belong in classical music.
(B) Adolph Sax failed in his dream.
(C) The saxophone is a flexible, successful invention.
(D) The saxophone is an unpleasant instrument.

難度: 簡單
livia0001 高一下 (2016/08/05)
正取一 高三上 (2018/01/17)


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一開始也看不懂一直出現的saxophone是甚麼,還以為是一種電話 怎麼會跟音樂有關呢?文章唸著唸著就唸懂薩克斯風了

Lin Tzu Hung 大一下 (2019/08/20)
邁克爾塞格爾2005年關於薩克斯管歷史的著作“魔鬼之角”引用了梵蒂岡的公開聲明,稱薩克斯管是“醜聞”,對於一塊沒有生命的金屬來說,這是一個奇怪的描述!那麼薩克斯管已經與搖滾樂和爵士樂世界聯繫在一起了。這些音樂風格誕生於爭議之中,他們總是吸引反叛分子和不符合規範的人 - 就像薩克斯風一樣。在其發明時,薩克斯管受到來自其他樂器製造商的競爭的積極壓制。他們經常襲擊薩克斯管的發明者阿道夫薩克斯。偷他的設備,燒毀他的工廠,甚至要加害他的生命。也許他們最成功的策略是讓管弦樂音樂家聯盟威脅罷工,如果薩克斯管被接受進入常規的管弦樂團。由於這些策略,薩克斯管未能在古典世界找到穩固的立足點。當然,雖然有一些值得注意的個...

閱讀測驗 41-43 Michael Segell’s 2005 work..-阿摩線上測驗