

[]26. 下列四個答案中,那一個是文中未提及的?
(A) 新印象派的點畫法
(B) 1810 年有兩位學者發表色彩理論
(C) Chevreul 發表色彩理論於1839
(D) 印象派畫家全都精通色彩理論。


General interest in the influence and rationale of color prevailed early in the nineteenth century. Runge published his color theory
using the sphere as coordinate system in 1810. Goethe`s major work on color appeared likewise in 1810, and in 1816 Schopenhauer
published his treatise “On Vision and Colors". The chemist M. E. Chevreul (1786-1889) published his work of color theory in 1839.
This work was to become the scientific foundation of Impressionist and Neo-Impressionist painting. The Neo-Impressionists divided
color areas into point elements. They affirmed that mixing pigments breaks the power of the colors. The dots of pure color were to
become mingled only in the eye of the viewer.

[]26. 下列四個答案中,那一個是文中未提及的? (A) 新印象派的點畫法 (..-阿摩線上測驗