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(B) Because middle-class students are often only points of contrast against which the various experiences of working-class students are set, they are typically treated as a relatively undifferentiated group. However, as the middle class has expanded it has become increasingly internally differentiated—in terms of both vertical and horizontal distinctions. Our own research indicates that these distinctions are intimately connected to education provision. 
     Our own ongoing research based on a cohort of some 350 academically able middle-class students shows how, even within this group, different educational pathways consolidate vertical differentiation within the middle class. Although the overwhelming majority of our respondents are getting on, most of those who are getting on ‘famously’ attended private schools and elite universities. Some schools, notably those that are private and academically selective, feed a greater portion of their students into high-status universities which then provide pathways into high-status occupations and high incomes. 
     In addition to vertical differentiation, though, there is horizontal differentiation. Indeed, some argue that the extent of differentiation is such that we should refer to the middle classes. Savage et al. (1992), for instance, identify lines of horizontal differentiation that are based upon the ownership of distinctive types of asset. They identify three distinct middle classes; the petite bourgeoisie holding property assets, managers holding organizational assets and professionals holding cultural capital. The first of these, the petit bourgeoisie, has been a relatively unimportant grouping in the UK, but the divide between managerial and professional class is they argue, fundamental to any understanding of the middle class. Indeed, Halon (1998) argues that we are currently seeing a struggle between the managerial and the professional classes and between managerial and professional elements within both groups. To some extent this has led to a blurring of the distinction as the ‘professions’ have become more managerialized and management roles more professionalized. 
     In our own middle-class cohort there have been high levels of movement between those in managerial and those in professional roles. Moves from professional to managerial roles appear to be largely associated with upward progression within a career. However, movement from managerial to professional occupations was often the result of ‘sideways’ movement.

【題組】73. What is most likely the main purpose of writing the passage?
(A) To promote the achievement of working-class students.
(B) To clarify the assumed homogeneity of the middle class.
(C) To illustrate the differences between vertical and horizontal distinctions.
(D) To explain the differences between middle-class and working-class students.

難度: 適中
哈哈哈 高三下 (2017/06/01)
* cohort ...

LHC 小五上 (2019/08/14)

提供Priming的背景知識 (資料來源:維基百科)

促發 ,大陸譯作啟動效應,是一種內隱記憶的效應,而這個效果是指受到一種刺激 (即知覺模式)時,會影響到另一個刺激的反應。Meyer和Schvaneveldt在1970年代初期的生殖實驗[1] [2] [3]中,讓研究中的許多物種促發並開花。他們最初的成果顯示人們很快的決定一串字母串成為一個字,是當這個字是接在一個有關聯或語義相關的字之後。例如: 當我們聽到護士時,會很快的想到醫生而不是麵包 。各種實驗[2] [3]支持的理論,就是在詞彙判斷的任務中激發擴散相關的想法,為了促進觀察而作得最好的說明。促發典範提供良好的控制,在認知處理和相關行為的個別刺激的效果之上,因為相同目標的刺激可以用不同的激發...


(B) Because middle-class students are o..-阿摩線上測驗