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For the approaches to research in education have been quantitative, global, sociodemographic, and dependent on large-scale comparisons of many different schools. Terms from business predominate: input, output, accountability, management strategies, etc. Input factors (independent variables) are said to influence, predict, or determine output factors (dependent variables). Pieces of data about social groups, such as number of siblings or time of mother-child interactions in preschool daily experiences, are correlated with the output of students, expressed in terms of test scores, subsequent income, and continue schooling. The effects of formal instruction have been evaluated by correlating these input factors with educational output. From an ethnographic perspective, the irony of such research is that it ignores the social and cultural context which created the input factors for individuals and groups. Detailed descriptions of what actually happens to children as they learn to use language and form their values about its structures and functions tell us what children do to become and remain acceptable members of their own communities.
【題組】46. What is the main theme of this passage?
(A) The main approach to research in education has been qualitative.
(B) School comparisons need to be global and sociodemographic.
(C) The ethnographic approach is essential to explore the social and cultural context of children’s language learning.
(D) The effects of formal instruction have been evaluated by correlating these input factors with educational output.

難度: 簡單
M 大三上 (2018/01/26)
Helen Chen 高三下 (2018/03/21)


  For the approaches to research in education have been quantitative, global, sociodemographic, and dependent on large-scale comparisons of many different schools. Terms from business predominate: input, output, accountability, management strategies, etc. Input factors (independent variables) are said to influence, predict, or determine output factors (dependent variables). Pieces of data about social groups, such as number of siblings or time of mother-child interactions in preschool daily experiences, are correlated with the output of students, expressed in terms of...


For the approaches to research in educat..-阿摩線上測驗