【詳解卡新福利】寫作批改懸賞券,將於 2024/09/30 23:59:59 過期,還沒使用或領取,趕快前往領取並使用吧! 前往查看


16. Which statement is NOT true about surface plasmon resonance?
(A) The angle at which reflectivity is at a minimum is independent of the refractive index of the dielectric.
(B) A surface plasmon is an electromagnetic wave that propagates along the boundary between a metal and a dielectric.
(C) The surface plasmon absorbs some of the incident light when it is in resonance with the incident light.
(D) A chemical-sensing layer can be added to the metal surface to create a specific response to the change in refractive index.
(E) Changes in the surface plasmon resonance angle can be measured with a precision of ~10-4 to 10-5 degrees.

難度: 計算中

倒數 2時 ,已有 0 則答案

16. Which statement is NOT true about su..-阿摩線上測驗