【詳解卡新福利】寫作批改懸賞券,將於 2024/09/30 23:59:59 過期,還沒使用或領取,趕快前往領取並使用吧! 前往查看


24Which of the following statements best describes code switching?
(A) Translating literally a lexical item, idiom, compound word, or structure from L1 to L2.
(B) Creating a non-existing L2 word based on a supposed rule.
(C) Using an L1 word by adjusting it to L2 phonology and morphology.
(D) Inserting words, phrases, or even longer stretches of one language into the other.

難度: 適中
黎育如 高一上 (2019/03/31)
(A) Literal Translation (B) Gramma.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
Claudia ❤️ 高一下 (2019/05/08)


Domestication and foreignization are strategies in translation, regarding the degree to which translators make a text conform to the target culture.

★ Domestication is the strategy of making text closely conform to the culture of the language being translated to, which may involve the loss of information from the source text.

★ Foreignization is the strategy ofretaining information from the source text, and involves deliberately breaking the conventions of the target language to preserve its meaning.[1] 

These strategies have been debated for hundreds of years, but t...

bees123 高二下 (2019/05/17)
foreignization 異化翻譯  是故意使譯文衝破原語的常規,保留原文中的異國情調。
domestication 歸化翻譯  是盡量減少譯文中的異國情調,為目的語讀者提供一種自然流暢的譯文。

例如,「The man is the black sheep of his family.」



lingling 高二下 (2021/05/03)


Code-switching is distinct from other language contact phenomena, such as borrowing, pidgins and creoles, loan translation (calques), and language transfer (language interference). 

Borrowing affects the lexicon, the words that make up a language, while code-switching takes place in individual utterances. 

Speakers form and establish a pidgin language when two or more speakers who do not speak a common language form an intermediate, third language.

On the other hand, speakers practice code-switching when they are each fluent in both languages.

Code mixing is a thematically rela...


24Which of the following statements best..-阿摩線上測驗