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依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題 Communication is of basic importance within science itself. I think we would all agree that free communication is essential for progress in science, 11 there have been problems at the frontier with technology because in the world of commerce you cannot reveal everything you are doing. These frontier problems have been 12 in recent times; in many fields, my own of molecular biology 13 , the old openness has to some extent disappeared. Some of my younger colleagues do not want to talk in public about their work, because they think that if they speak about their own “secret,” somebody else will 14 it and make money out of it. Of course, this is only a partial view: science is also for the benefit of mankind. But the process of 15 knowledge from the academic world, with its tradition of openness, to the world of technology and commerce does present difficulties that have still not been resolved. In my view they are very serious problems.

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人定勝天要堅持-忍- 研二下 (2019/11/15)
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Pow 大一下 (2019/11/13)

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Andy 大四下 (2021/04/03)

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依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題 Communication is of b..-阿摩線上測驗