【詳解卡新福利】寫作批改懸賞券,將於 2024/09/30 23:59:59 過期,還沒使用或領取,趕快前往領取並使用吧! 前往查看


      The origin of cursive script is one which intertwines technology and efficiency. We get the word “cursive” from the Latin currere--    46     “to run.” It distinguishes writing in which the pen lifts from the page between words,   47    between each individual letter. Cursive developed out of typeface and print technologies, but more importantly it came from the need to write well and to write quickly. But, cursive is fading. There is a debate over whether it has value in the classroom, but that debate extends further than simply a matter of cursive--it's about writing itself. Many curricula are even favoring typing lessons    48   teaching handwriting.
      The battle for cursive reaches deeper than questions of whether your letters “connect.” The pen--even more than the text--might say something about us. Our handwriting might indicate our nationalities and educational background,   49    Adrienne Bernhard's “What Your Handwriting Says About You.” Yet, Bernhard's article also indicates that the proliferation of typing--via emails, text messages, etc--might in fact undermine the distinctness of our handwritings. The battle for cursive has always been a battle for the uniqueness of our handwriting and ourselves, verses and the evolution of technology and push towards efficiency.
     Not too long ago, cursive--Spencerian script to be specific--“was the de facto standard writing style for business correspondence before the widespread adoption of the typewriter.” With the development of the typewriter, cursive   50    out of business usage into the usage of personal correspondence; technology supplanted cursive's original purpose, but cursive remained an act of self expression.


難度: 適中
minhochu09 高一下 (2020/08/03)
(A)rose : rise 的過去式,「上升」的意思(在這裡根本不是指"玫瑰"...)正確答案 (B)fell這題的翻譯:隨著打字機的.....看完整詳解
Roy衝衝虎 (三等上岸) 大三下 (2020/08/30)

With the development of the typewriter, cursive  (B)fell    out of business usage into the usage of personal correspondence; technology supplanted cursive's original purpose, but cursive remained an act of self-expression.

(A)rose (past)  rise 升起
(B)fell out of 不再使用 被淘汰 fall out of
(C)decreased 減少
(D)increased. 增加

usage 用法

correspondence 信件回復 /一致符合

supplanted 取代

luby19951011 小六下 (2022/05/31)

cursive  fell    out of business usage into the

usage of personal correspondence


fall out of 從..掉出」衍生意思是「脫穎而出」

請依下文回答第46題至第50題:      The origin of curs..-阿摩線上測驗