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24. ____________ Birds of prey, such as the kestrel, have hooked bills to tear the flesh or prey. The saw- edged bill of the puffin enables it to carry several fish at once. Wading birds, like the curlew, have long, slender bills to dig deep into the mud. A hummingbird’s long bill and tongue allows it to reach nectar deep inside a flower.
(A)As the proverb goes, “Birds of the same feather flock together.”
(B)Birds are divided into different types of species according to the food they eat.
(C)Bird’s bills suit their feeding habits.
(D)Birds adapt themselves to their environment in the same way.

難度: 適中
林伯謙 高一下 (2013/02/13)
bill  .....看完整詳解

24. ____________ Birds of prey, such as ..-阿摩線上測驗