【詳解卡新福利】寫作批改懸賞券,將於 2024/09/30 23:59:59 過期,還沒使用或領取,趕快前往領取並使用吧! 前往查看


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題: 
        Reviews are where an experience meets ideas. You go to a concert, a movie, an art exhibition, a restaurant,and it makes you think. Maybe the experience is a  21  for a brand-new idea; maybe it  22       somethingyou’ve been thinking about for a while. It becomes something worth writing about. 
       The job of the reviewer is to get both the experience and the ideas into words — and into proportion. Insome ways, a review is the same as reporting: The facts have to be correct and presented in a coherent way.And in some ways, a review is  23  reporting: your subjective experience and your reactions —intellectual, emotional, visceral — are a big part of it. 
        A review is not about the reviewer. A reader does not care about when the reviewer got to a location orhis mood or the weather that day. It’s about what a person experienced when he met his work head-on with fullattention: what his knowledge tells him about the work, what his immediate experience added to that and wherethe work can lead next. You might be writing about something your readers don’t know about  24  youhave discovered; help them share that sense of discovery. Or you might be bringing a new  25  tosomething familiar. Make it convincing. It’s about feeling, learning, thinking, judging, and making all that vividto your reader.

(A) because
(B) but
(C) or
(D) so

難度: 簡單
加賴叫過去 高三下 (2020/09/15)

You might be writ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ ...

hchungw 研一下 (2020/11/27)

Reviews are where an experience meets ideas. You go to a concert, a movie, an art exhibition, a restaurant,and it makes you think. Maybe the experience is a  21 catalyst 催化劑for a brand-new idea; maybe it  22 crystalizes 具體化;使結晶      something you’ve been thinking about for a while. It becomes something worth writing about. 

       The job of the reviewer is to get both the experience and the ideas into words — and into proportion. In some ways, a review is the same as reporting: The facts have to be correct and presented in a coherent way.And in some ways, a review i...

Lia 110高考僑務行政 高三上 (2020/12/15)

You might be writing about something your readers don’t know about but you have discovered; help them share that sense of discovery.








sense of + 名詞=___感

sense of humor:幽默感

sense of direction:方向感

sense of loss:失落感

這邊sense of...


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題:         Reviews are..-阿摩線上測驗