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V. Reading Comprehension (10%)
                Serenissima Repubblica di San Marino
            (The Most Serene Republic of San Marino)

 A The Republic of San Marino is a landlocked microstate or enclave, the third-smallest state in Europe, situated on the Italian peninsula. Its total area is no more than 61 square kilometres of rugged terrain (there is no natural level ground at all) completely surrounded by Italy, with a border just thirty-nine kilometres long. The climate is typically Mediterranean with warm, sunny summers and mild, sometimes cool, winters. Although it is a small state with a small population, estimated to be 32,448 in July 2013, it has a very long history.

B San Marino is perhaps the world’s oldest constitutional republic, founded in the year 301 AD by a stonemason fleeing religious persecution. The stonecutter, Marinus (from whom the settlement derived its name), came from the Roman colony of Arba, which is an island off the coast of present-day Croatia. A community was established which managed to flourish and maintain its sovereignty over the many succeeding centuries, even surviving a potential invasion from Napoleon’s army in the 18th century and the period of Italian political unification in the 19th century.

C San Marino today is a multi-party democratic republic, but political parties have to align themselves with one of the two opposing coalitions: the right or the left. Twice a year, the legislature, known as the Grand and General Council, elects two heads of state. These heads, or Captains Regent as they are called, are selected one from each opposing alliance in order to keep a balance of power. After their six-month term in office is up, if the people are unhappy with their performance in any way, they may lodge a complaint within three days, and if any of their grievances are justified, the ex-heads of state will be held to account. This system of government, as unusual as it may seem to many of us today, originates from the principles of the ancient Roman Republic. The Council performs the role of the Roman Senate and the Captains Regent are comparable to the consuls of early Rome.

 D Modern-day San Marino belongs to the Council of Europe and the United Nations, but is not a member of the European Union, although it is permitted to use the euro as its legal tender; it is even allowed to have its own designs on the national side of the euro coins. Before moving to the euro, it used the San Marino lira for money, and this was linked in value and exchangeable with the Italian lira. Because limited numbers of both the euro and lira coins are/were minted, they are eagerly sought by coin collectors around the world. Likewise, philatelists are keen collectors of San Marino’s postage stamps, which are only valid within the state itself. The sale of both coins and stamps to foreign collectors supplements the economy of the country.

 E Chief sources of income arise from the industries of tourism, banking, ceramics and electronics together with the manufacture and export of furniture, paints, fabrics and wearing apparel. About a third of San Marino’s GDP comes from the manufacturing industry, but tourism is the key player, and the government makes substantial returns from the taxes and customs imposed on the two to three million annual visitors, who also provide income for many local businesses. Only about sixteen per cent of land in San Marino is arable, and primary agricultural products mainly consist of some wine and cheese (most food is imported from Italy); farmers do, however, raise sheep, cows and pigs, and produce fruit and grain for local consumption. In the face of the current global financial crisis, it is surprising to note that there is almost no national debt and even a budget surplus.

 F For such a tiny, geographically inhospitable country with few natural resources, apart perhaps from building stone, residents of San Marino nevertheless enjoy a relatively high standard of living equivalent to that of Danes or Germans. Unlike many other European nations, the citizens of San Marino experience a very low level of unemployment. The population is predominantly urban (94%); however, the rate of urbanization is putting pressure on existing rural farmlands, which is an environmental issue of some concern to the inhabitants, along with air pollution. Although the natural features of the state may be harsh and forbidding, the pleasant climate and the general affluence of the populace undoubtedly have an impact on life expectancy, which is amongst the highest in the world, the average lifespan of females in San Marino being in excess of eighty-five years and the average male expecting to reach the age of eighty.

【題組】40. Which of the following best describes San Marino’s people?
(A) Most people have enough money and live a long time.
(B) Most people are of Danish or German origin.
(C) It is hard to find a job because San Marino is so small.
(D) The population mostly lives in the country, not the towns.

難度: 簡單

倒數 2天 ,已有 1 則答案
哈哈 國二上 (2021/05/15):

nlike many other European nations, the citizens of San Marino experience a very low level of unemployment. The population is predominantly urban (94%); however, the rate of urbanization is putting pressure on existing rural farmlands, which is an environmental issue of some concern to the inhabitants, along with air pollution. Although the natural features of the state may be harsh and forbidding, the pleasant climate and the general affluence of the populace undoubtedly have an impact on life expectancy, which is amongst the highest in the world, the average lifespan of females in San Marino being in excess of eighty-five years and the average male expecting to reach the age of eighty.


V. Reading Comprehension (10%)          ..-阿摩線上測驗