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30. The innervation of deep somatic tissue like muscle and joint is quite complex. Which of the following description is not appropriate?
(A) The nociceptors are predominantly activated by non-physiological stimuli which may cause damage to the structures (e.g. overload, twisting, strong pressure, ischemic contraction).
(B) During inflammation or after trauma, nociceptors of joint and muscle show pronounced sensitization, in particular for mechanical stimuli.
(C) Descending inhibition is enhanced during chronic inflammation but seems to be normalized during acute inflammation.
(D) Both primary afferent fibers as well as sympathetic reflexes may aggravate inflammatory lesions.
(E) Reduced release of hormones from the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis such as cortisol, adrenal androgens and testosterone may cause a relative loss of anti-inflammatory activity.

30. The innervation of deep somatic tiss..-阿摩線上測驗