【詳解卡新福利】寫作批改懸賞券,將於 2024/09/30 23:59:59 過期,還沒使用或領取,趕快前往領取並使用吧! 前往查看



2. Three cells with distinct volumes and surface arcas are listed in the following table:
Based on data from the table above, which of the following statements "best" explains which cell will 10.2um3 Cell 3 27.3 um2 eliminate wastes most inefficiently?
(A) Cell 1 because it has the lowest ratio of surface area to volume, which will enable it to eliminate its wastes most inefficiently.
(B) Cell 2 because it has the highest ratio of surface area to volume, which will enable it to climinate its wastes most inefficiently.
(C) Cell 3 because it has the smallest volume, which will cnable it to eliminate its wastes most inefficiently.
(D) Cell 3 because it has the smallest surface area, which will enable it to eliminate its wastes most inefficiently.

2. Three cells with distinct volumes and..-阿摩線上測驗