【詳解卡新福利】寫作批改懸賞券,將於 2024/09/30 23:59:59 過期,還沒使用或領取,趕快前往領取並使用吧! 前往查看


          An earthquake shook the coastal town, its tremors leaving behind a double-edged impact. At first, chaos ensued, buildings crumbled, and lives were disrupted—a catastrophe unfolding before their eyes. However, amidst the rubble, a blessing in disguise emerged. The quake served as a wake-up call, prompting residents to take precautionary measures they had long neglected. Communities rallied together, strengthening bonds forged by adversity. New, earthquake-resistant structures rose from the debris, a testament to resilience and foresight. What seemed like a tragedy transformed into an opportunity for growth and renewal, reminding all that hope prevails even in the darkest moments.
【題組】38. What is the “double-edged” impact mentioned in the passage?
(A) An impact that is sharp and dangerous.
(B) An impact that occurs twice in quick succession.
(C) An impact that affects two towns simultaneously.
(D) An impact with both positive and negative consequences.

難度: 簡單

倒數 1天 ,已有 1 則答案
ʕ•ﻌ•ʔฅYen(112 大四下 (2024/05/27):

一場地震震撼了這座沿海小鎮,地震留下了一把雙刃劍。起初,混亂接踵而至,建築物 崩潰了,生活被打亂了——一場災難在他們眼前展開。然而,在廢墟中,因禍得福 出現。地震敲響了警鐘,促使居民採取他們長期忽視的預防措施。 社區團結一致,加強了逆境中建立的紐帶。新的抗震結構從廢墟中升起,一個 證明韌性和遠見卓識。看似一場悲劇變成了成長和更新的機會,提醒人們 即使在最黑暗的時刻,所有的希望也佔了上風。


38. What is the “double-edged” impact mentioned in the passage?
文章中提到的 "雙刃" 影響是什麼?
(A) An impact that is sharp and dangerous. 尖銳而危險的影響。
(B) An impact that occurs twice in quick succession. 快速連續發生的影響。
(C) An impact that affects two towns simultaneously. 同時影響兩個城鎮的影響。
(D) An impact with both positive and negative consequences. 具有正面和負面後果的影響。
答案: (D) An impact with both positive and negative consequences.
理由: "雙刃" 意味著同時有正面和負面影響,符合文章中地震帶來的混亂和後來的重建。

          An earthquake shook the coasta..-阿摩線上測驗