【阿摩網站-置頂欄顏色票選問卷】只要填寫就能獲得500Y,結束時間 2024/04/25 11:59:59。 前往查看



Teacher: Please hand in your answer sheet. 

Student: Could I have a few more minute to finish? 

Teacher: __________  It's a timed test. 

(A) I'm afraid not. 

(B) You look persuasive. 

(C) You might as well. 

(D) Well done! 

難度: 非常簡單
★~♫~♪~✽¸.•♥♥• 國二下 (2013/11/08)
hand in 繳交=submitted=turn inPlease turn in the tests. 請把考卷交上來Turn in 是繳交的意思, 或是用 hand in 也可以.   一般繳作業或是交考卷都可以用 turn in.  很多人來美國都有當助教的機會, 所以去兼考也是常有的事, 平時不說英語也就罷了, 到了兼考時不說英語都不行, 我有一個朋友, 去兼考時到了要交考卷時居然跟學生說, "Please give me .....觀看完整全文,請先登入
Leo 高三上 (2013/05/05)
hand in 繳交
★~♫~♪~✽¸.•♥♥• 國二下 (2013/11/08)
(C) You might as well. 倒不如…。

"They are a championship-caliber team," Pierce said."You can't afford to get down 18 points like we did. If you do, you might as well pack your bags."

Pierce說:他們是個具有冠軍水準的隊伍;沒有任何一隊有落後 18 分的本錢-就像我們一樣。如果哪一隊真的落後18分,那不如捲舖蓋走路吧。

文出:NBA 籃球英語第八集

Teacher: Please hand in your answer shee..-阿摩線上測驗