
44. Which of the following can best f it into the blank in the paragraph below?
(A) Patients suffering from a “hot” condition should eat “hot” food to help cure an illness, and vice versa.
(B) Patients should always try to eat a mixture of different vegetables and meats in order to stay healthy.
(C) Patients should always try not to eat hot peppers and ice cream when they are not feeling well.
(D) Patients suffering from a “hot” condition should eat “cold” food to help in effecting a cure, and vice versa. Traditional Chinese nutritional theory linked food with health and medicine. The Chinese categorize certain illnesses and medical conditions as “hot” condition and others “cold.” _______________ Eating hot peppers when you have a fever or ice cream when you have a cold will only make you sicker. When serving food to people, Chinese cooks try to create a balance of “hot” and “cold” ingredients in the various dishes selected.

44. Which of the following can best f it..-阿摩線上測驗