
6-8題為題組 (Maria and Jane are talking over the telephone.) Maria: Hello. May I speak to Eric Sung? Jane: 6 . Maria: I see. When do you expect him back? Jane: 7 . Maria: Yes. Just tell him Maria Moskovik called. Jane: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your last name. Maria: 8 . Jane: O.K. I'll give him the message.
(A) Hold on. I'll connect you.
(B) Sure. Wait a moment, please.
(C) I'm sorry, he's not come yet.
(D) I'm sorry, he's out at this moment.

難度: 簡單
Henry Huang 大一下 (2015/03/24)

(Maria和Jane在通電話) Maria:哈囉 我可以和Eric Sung通話嗎?  Jane:_________________-
Maria:我知道了 你覺得他多久會回來?
(A)等一下  我會和你聯繫  (B)當然  等一下
(C)不好意思 他還沒來      (D)不好意思 他出去了

6-8題為題組 (Maria and Jane are talking ove..-阿摩線上測驗