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63 Pursuant to Article 12 of the (2005) Amendment of the Constitution of the R.O.C., amendment of the Constitution shall be initiated upon the proposal of one-fourth of the total members of the Legislative Yuan, passed by at least three-fourths of the members present at a meeting attended by at least three-fourths of the total members of the Legislative Yuan, and sanctioned by electors in the free area of the Republic of China at ___________held upon expiration of a six-month period of public announcement of the proposal, wherein the number of valid votes in favor exceeds one-half of the total number of electors; and the provisions of Article 174 of the Constitution (Main Text) shall not apply.
(A) an election
(B) a recall
(C) an initiative
(D) a referendum

難度: 困難
我愛阿摩,阿摩愛我 (2016/08/06)
(B) a recall 罷免
(C) an initiative 創制
(D) a referendum 複決
祝各位考生上岸 大一上 (2021/08/22)

根據中華民國(2005年)憲法修正案第十二條,憲法修正案由立法院全體委員的四分之一以上提議,至少四分之三的委員通過。 出席由四分之三以上立法院全體委員出席並經中華民國自由區選民同意舉行 __________的會議,於該議案公告六個月期滿後, 其中有效贊成票數超過選民總數的二分之一; 不適用憲法(正文)第一百七十四條的規定。

(A) 選舉

(B) 召回;一般而言罷免應用"unseat"

(C) 創制

(D) 公投(複決)



63 Pursuant to Article 12 of the (2005) ..-阿摩線上測驗