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Attitudes of intolerance towards homosexuality have been so pronounced in the past that it is only during recent years that some of the myths surrounding the subject have been dispelled. Homosexuality is not a sickness and is not distinctively associated with any forms of psychiatric disturbance. Homosexual males are not limited to any particular __7__ of occupations, such as hairdressing, interior decorating, or the arts. Like the terms racism and sexism, heterosexism refers to the process by which non-heterosexual people are categorized and discriminated against on the basis of their sexual __8__ . Homophobia describes a fear of and __9__ for homosexual individuals. __10__ homosexuality is becoming more accepted, both heterosexism and homophobia remain ingrained in many realms of Western society; antagonism towards homosexuals __11__ in many people’s emotional attitudes. Instances of violent assault and murder of homosexuals remain all too common. For this reason, many homosexual groups are campaigning to have anti-homosexual acts classified as “hate crimes.”
【題組】 7
(A) factor
(B) censor
(C) sector
(D) mentor

難度: 適中
凱特 國二上 (2015/06/01)
factor 因素,要素

censor 審查

sector 扇形,區段

mentor 良師益友
Dorothy 高二上 (2019/02/18)
過去,不容忍對同性戀的態度如此明顯,以至於近年來圍繞這一主題的一些神話被驅散了。同性戀不是一種疾病,並不與任何形式的精神障礙明顯相關。同性戀男性不限於任何特定的職業,如美髮,室內裝飾或藝術。與種族主義和性別歧視一詞一樣,異性戀主義指的是非異性戀者根據其性 8(取向) 進行分類和歧視的過程。同性戀恐懼描述了對同性戀者的恐懼和__9__。 __10__同性戀越來越被接受,異性戀和同性戀恐懼症仍然在西方社會的許多領域中根深蒂固;在許多人的情緒態度中對同性戀者的反對__11__。暴力襲擊和謀殺同性戀者的情況仍然非常普遍。出於這個原因,許多同性戀團體正在競選將反同性戀行為列為“仇恨犯罪”。

Attitudes of intolerance towards homosex..-阿摩線上測驗