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Globalization is the process of international integration (39) from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture. Advances in transportation and telecommunications (40) are major factors in globalization, generating further interdependence of (41) and cultural activities. The (42) of electronic communications, most notably mobile phones and the Internet, connected billions of people in new ways. Thus, as professor Robertson defined, globalization is referred to as "the (43) of the world and the intensification of the consciousness of the world as a whole."
(A) raising
(B) arousing
(C) arising
(D) rising

難度: 困難
Joyce 高三下 (2016/05/27)
http://www.nani.com.tw/slearn/sleng/eng_d/Chapter15/Chapter15_1.htm1. rise rose risen rising (vi)上升;起立;起床;升官;漲價;聳立;應付2. arise arose.....看完整詳解
冰淇淋 高三上 (2014/06/07)
 arise 發生,出現(困難或問題)
Joyce 高三下 (2016/05/27)
1. 太陽從東方升起。
The sun rises in the east.
A new problem has arisen.
3. 這位紳士舉帽向女士們表示敬意。
The gentleman raised his cap in token of respect to the ladies.
4. 噪音把她從睡夢中吵醒。
The noise aroused her from sleep.

Globalization is the process of internat..-阿摩線上測驗